nobody here but us chickens


wm5645Of course, now that I’ve said that, it’s going to snow again. We are so ready for spring, and today was completely gorgeous, so we all headed out to soak up the sun. I convinced Miss W that raking would be a good way to earn some cash. She thinks raking is fun. She wants you to know that the whole pile on the left there is her pile. It was much bigger by the time she was done.

In addition to our cleaning up the garden, the Mister did some work on the small A-Frame coop for the Littles, who will be turned loose outside in a few weeks when they’re big enough. I’ll be happy when that happens. We’re up to some crazy number like 20 (chicken) chicks and 4 turkey chicks.

None of the things I had actually planned to get done today (aside from laundry) actually got done. I’m totally OK with that.

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1 Comment

  1. Momma

    Looks like an awesome day!

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