nobody here but us chickens

I’m dressin’ sharp and feelin’ dull (the replacements)

I really do have amazing friends. If only they lived closer! *sigh* Antenna hoodie, swag from my humble donation to the Kickstarter campaign. (If you have ever loved a punk band they probably played the Antenna in Memphis, check out the documentary currently being made by one of my best friends, Laura Jean and her husband Chris McCoy.) Kitty mask in a box o Halloween awesome from Heather. And the lens mug from Deb who knew I’d LOVE it and would never buy it for myself. (which is actually a late birthday present which are the best kind because it stretches out the birthday fun). I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve such kindness and love. I’d like to think it’s because I’ve been a good friend to them. ♥



  1. laura jean

    you rock a whole lot harder than any of those bands that played the antenna.

  2. ScottO

    The lens mug is fabulous! You have wonderful friends. And I'm sure it's because you're wonderful, too.

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