nobody here but us chickens

Random Wednesday

I was going to use a photo of my dear friend Heather and me from our dinner last night, but I got home too late to get anything off the camera. So you get boring me again.

Heather and I discovered the secret to Duran Duran – Nick Rhodes is an android. We had fun last night.

Three days til Christmas. That sure happened fast.

We finally got new chairs at work. I can’t tell you how happy my hip is.

I wish we had tomorrow off. Hell, I wish we had today off for that matter.

I could never be a vegetarian.

I’m fairly certain I will never feel fly like a G6. Even having deciphered what a G6 is, it makes no sense to me at all. I must be old or something.

My eye won’t stop twitching.

Aw! I just got a really nice email from a student I helped out. Those make up for all the people who yell at you.

Wacky hi-jinks.

Dear Boost Mobile. You are possibly the worst customer service ever in the history of anything.

I need to watch Labyrinth again, and I need to do that with Miss W. That’ll be a good thing to do over the break I think.

Excellent and practical

When Miss W was almost 3 she was able to read her name. So she opened all the presents under the tree with her name on them a couple weeks before Christmas. She decided that that wasn’t enough so she then opened everyone else’s. I had to wrap everything twice. I don’t put the presents under the tree until Christmas Eve now.


I’m tired of people putting me on hold.

Ha! My husband is so funny. He’s awesome.

This will make you happy.

I just realized I haven’t set up my voice mail for this stupid phone yet. Prolly should get on that.

Wow. It is a strange day around here. And a long one.

Now I have Holly Jolly Christmas in my head. Which is frustrating because I do not know all the words.

That was confusing.

Today’s Random is boring. My apologies.

I give up. No more work for me today. It’s hopeless. So distracted.

Dear Boost Mobile. Just another quick YOU SUCK. Sincerely, one seriously pissed off antijenx.

I wonder if Nicole Kidman is secretly embarrassed that she was married to Tom Cruise.

Not quite walking like an Egyptian.


1 Comment

  1. laura jean

    have you ever listened to any Keith Urban? Nicole's current husband is embarrassing enough.

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