Appearing slightly crazy, as if under a spell; touched.
I don’t want to write it. I’m annoyed with the whole thing.
I don’t need donuts anyway.
crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash
Distracto girl. Work is the last place I want to be.
I could use a Die Hard marathon.
Oooooh Ghirardelli caramel squares! K, you’re the best!
Please believe me. Stuck in my head now, thanks A.
Stupid pickles.
Gloomy day for a gloomy frame of mind.
Why can’t I document it? It’s how my brain processes. Through the images.
There’s always more and more.
I don’t understand that whole rivalry thing.
Funny how the rabid anti conservative progressive agenda hasn’t changed really at all in the last 30 years. Social justice! Rethuglicans want you to die! More government is the answer! Education! Evil conservatives are evil! Won’t someone think of the children?
Oh, I love Tom Robbins. I do I do.
My mother in law once managed to put a crochet hook through her hand. I had forgotten that story.
I don’t think they should remake Highlander. I just don’t. It’s one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time.
I’m saving a monster just for you.
I’m sorry. I know many of you will be disappointed, but I simply don’t have time for 31 days of Halloween this year. The Universe handed me 3 plates full of other stuff to handle instead. I will shoot some though, promise.
Maybe they put all the names in a hat. Or something.
It’s funny but it’s true.
I’m a little. Something.
Oh man. It’s like all the flavors of fall in your mouth at once. Heaven. Nirvana. Caramel Apple Cider. Biggby’s.
mobm. bomg. thinger. bomb.
Must. Finish. Paper.
Non pumpkinny pumpkin.
It’s only that I didn’t bring an umbrella.
Engage cloaking device.
A bread stick. I haven’t heard that one before.
The caramel apple thinger is making me toasty. Also I could use a snack.
“Irish women will fuck your shit up!”
The American Dream. I had no idea it was such a touchy concept.
Deserves multiple posts because it’s the freaking whip.
I don’t think I’ve even had any phone calls today. Strange.
It’s unthawed pizza. That’s what it is.
I’m getting tired of the phrase “teachable moment”.
If you walk away walk away …
I’m picking out a monster for you. Not an ordinary monster will do.
Die Hard will cure many ills.
And the previous 30. And the 60 before that.
It’s funny because it’s true.
do. not. touch. Highlander. the end.
touched? yes, i am.