nobody here but us chickens

Random Wednesday

wm8035I’m always afraid to send a text to someone after they’ve involved me in a group text because I think that everyone who was in the group text will also get my text. Consider this a PSA against group texting. It causes me actual physical discomfort.

Shut up. I am not weird.

I’ve always hated the phrase “the creative process”. I also hate it when people refer to themselves as “a creative”. It’s not a noun.

I’m an anti-artist. I suppose. Or something.

The cat type ones are pretty cool. I can say that even though I hate cats.

Wait, what? Funeral strippers? That’s a thing?


I’d say it’s more like a Detroiter’s view of North America. Those of us on the west side of the state don’t give Detroit that much credit. Actually, we’re pretty sick of Detroit. But it’s funny anyway. The Up North part is pretty accurate though. As far as Michigan goes. Pretty much anything north of Big Rapids is “up north”.

Post an SP in an Ayn Rand t shirt, lose a follower. Ha. Maybe I should be surprised it was only one.

I’m love you anywya

Your coffee smells exactly like cat pee. I don’t know how you can even.

She said iterative.

Oh my God that’s Russell Crowe. I thought it was John Goodman.

My stomach is sad at you.

I would totally wear that sweater. Their kits are so spendy though.

I genuinely wish I had the time for something like this. I definitely have the land.

There’s something about What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. I love that movie. I loved the book, but this is one of those rare instances when the movie was better than the book. I don’t know. I love it.

I completely forgot I’m supposed to be practicing walking in those damn heels.

Oh how cool. I love how differently kids view the world. I was always handing a camera to Miss W wanting her to take pictures, which she’s never been super into. I just love that perspective though.


She really does not like tables.

I’ve wasted entirely too much time on this decision.


Came across this gem from 2011: “My overseas contingency operations have resulted in man caused disasters which aggravate my kinetic military action, thereby negating any headway on pulling any cars out of ditches. It’s just a shame my odyssey dawn will be forever marred by secession of seven of the states. I can only blame Bush.”

I have to figure out where to take my sorry arse for lunch now. That makes me sad.

Today is one of those days that I really miss smoking.

I don’t know what to tell you. You probably shouldn’t have waited until the deadline to make the request. Other people beat you to it. Suck it up. Move on. That’s life. Etc. So forth.

Really. An entire class could be taught on when it is and is not appropriate to REPLY ALL.

I was not supposed to be this busy today. I was supposed to be able to leave early today.

Wow, maybe I should post this Friday. Maybe it’ll have some substance if I post it Friday.

The US was “founded” by brown men and women, eons before white men stumbled upon the country by mistake.” … I weep for our nation.


This has been a profoundly bad day. That’s all there is to it.

Y’all just make me tired.

And I just realized I’m hungry.

Great. I’m hungry and tired. That’s never a good combination.

Oh my. The airs you put on for your public.

I really need to get on that pet snail thing.

Ha. I love the cover on the new issue of Reason.

I’m glad these lazy chickens are laying again. All it took was me buying a dozen eggs from the store.

“10 things to hate about Sanders’ economic policy” Only 10?

You’re all I got tonight.


1 Comment

  1. ScottO

    Even Kevin Nealon is a little Goodmanesque these days.

    Umm, I hope that guy never decides to visit Mormon Station (now a state historic park in Genoa), NV.

    I cannot think of an appropriate situation to Reply All.

    I think “It’s Socialist” is sufficient.

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