It has been a minute since my last book post. Sooooo sorry about that, chickens. I have been B.U.S.Y.
But now that the semester is over I’m looking to spend some quality time with the Man in Black. *swoon*
I’ve had this book for a while, and I actually started it ages ago (sort of the story of my life) but had to set it aside for more pressing things. Then I got caught up in quick murder mystery reads and some true crime and kept checking Johnny out out of the corner of my eye. But damn, this book is heavy. Literally. Heavy. Weighs a ton. Because it is one hell of a thorough and fine toothed look at every intimate detail of Cash’s life. I’m a good 200 pages in and have about 400 to go. There’s not a lot of detail to share, it’s a biography. The whole bloody book is details.
It’s so good, though, chickens. It does not sugar coat shit. It takes a serious, honest look at the Man and his wayward ways, as well as his redemption. (I assume, how can it not? But I haven’t gotten that far yet, so. I guess I don’t know.) Anyway. It’s good. It’s very well written, has loads of great photos from various friends and family members. If you are a Cash fan, I recommend this tome. And if you’re not a Cash fan, just stop talking to me, because you just do not get me at all.
Legend has it Cash was my first concert, but I think that may have been a tall tale. I did see him here on campus back in the early 90s and it was fucking incredible. I had terrible seats, but I was THERE and I loved every minute of it.
OK, I have a bloody nose, so I have to run. It’s OK. I’m Ok. Really. But check out this book. Then OD on a good Cash playlist. Especially the stuff he wrote himself. And then watch Walk the Line, because I don’t care what anyone says, that was a pretty good film. But also I have a weird crush on Joaquin Phoenix, so what do I know?
Look, if you weren’t interested in my opinion on this shit, you wouldn’t be reading this. … right? If you just came to mock, don’t tell me. OK?
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