nobody here but us chickens


Miss W is part of the Gifted and Talented program at her school.  Bats were her year end project which she presented with the other ExCEL students this evening.  These kids are awesome and they did a fantastic job.



  1. ScottO

    That is a fantastic bat! I really like the cave, or night sky, or whatever that is that it’s in, too. Let Miss W know she did a fantastic job.

    • AntiJenX

      Thank you! Night sky, yes 🙂 She says thank you very much!

      • mama bean

        very impressive…well done kiddo!

  2. joni green

    I’m so happy she was in G & T !!! Knew she could do great things … IF she wanted to!~!
    I love the baT, AND THE WRITINGS. Nice job … put that spunk to good use. : )))

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