Well. That was harder than it should have been.
Wow. I’m totally impressed but also cracking up. Totally goth emoed this thing right up.
Oh more wow.
I just read another interview with Brad Pitt. First of all, who wears eight hundred dollar sweaters in real life? But also, he really should come to one of our workshops.
Could someone please, for the love of all things holy, teach me how to just not give a shit any more?
If my head didn’t hurt so much this week I’d switch to some death metal. Or at least Sisters of Mercy’s Vision Thing album.
WTF even is that?
I don’t begrudge you your cat love. I just don’t understand it. I’m like the libertarian of pets. Love your cat all you want, just don’t expect me to care.
I’ve never been much of a Sonic Youth fan, to be honest.
For a bunch of people noted for their devotion to science and scorn for most types of organized religion (by which I mean Christianity), they sure expect people to take an awful lot on faith.
I never played Oregon Trail.
Every time you ask a question I just want to give you a smart ass response, which tells me I should just avoid that space altogether right now, because that just isn’t productive.
What am I even doing here?
Funny how no one seems to have any problem giving me extra work. God forbid anyone should even suggest that some other people take on extra shit.
So much for all my optimism at a new regime.
Why the fuck does this office smell like Spaghettios?
Sometimes I just have to blast New Order in my ears in order to escape your pointless sibilance.
Great. Now the Cure is stuck in my head.
Well then how should you describe yourself?
What the hell is on my pants? Dammit!
People make me so tired.
Maybe instead of parading your mentally ill child across the globe as your own personal political football, you should perhaps be getting her some actual help so that she can function in the world she claims she’d so desperately like to save.
It is dangerously balanced on the razor’s edge of TRENDY. We already see its being worn like an accessory, a badge of hip modern matronliness, by some women who fancy themselves the new Earth mothers.
OK, now I’m getting SPAM with actual naked chicks in it. What the fuck.
When emailing two people of the same name, don’t pluralize them. Simply say good morning.
There is only now.
Just FYI, I cannot deliver a Random next week. And possibly the week after. Prepare yourselves for the drought. Or reprieve. It could really go either way.
“I’ll believe climate change is a crisis when the people who keep telling me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis — by making any sort of actual personal sacrifice at all.” ~ Glenn Reynolds
I do not approve.
I think there’s something wrong with this a
Finally get the patio cleaned off and now I can’t use it for fear of being murdered by mosquitoes.
I had to jensplain it to them.
No. No no no no no. We don’t need it. No one wants it. No. Just let it flipping die.
It’s not THE Ukraine. It’s not. It just isn’t. Stoppit.
Halloween is a frame of mind.
Did I tell you I won’t be here next week? I did. You’ll be OK.
This right here is why people hate the left. This is the kind of shit that gets a President Trump. Also? This is why no one with any sense can take your 16 year old Swedish scold seriously.
People’s brains don’t finish forming until roughly age 26. Why don’t people stop and think about that more often? It’s significant.
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