
nobody here but us chickens

Random Wednesday

The number 4 weighs 30 pounds ……..

How come that fancy hand-held laser only cut through the chain and not the cinder block it also hit?

I really don’t want to put this stupid table together.

I lost my place.

Walking without oxygen.

Calamine lotion to the rescue!


I don’t like it here.

One down, two … three?? … to go.

OMFG you cannot be serious right now.

Don’t ask me your questions. I don’t have any answers.

I’m going to be there, but don’t let that stop you.

I am not a key figure.

I just don’t think it’s unreasonable to negotiate nap time into any potential new job situation.

I don’t know. I just know it fucking hurts.

Sheesh. This book is making North Carolina sound really unappealing.

I wonder if anyone would even notice.

This day is going to end in a stress migraine. I can already feel it.

por supuesto por supuesto por supuesto

Well it’s not ideal, but …

Me, on the regular: “Ooh I want to read that article when I have a minute.”
Me, 6 months later: “I am never going to get to this article, I may as well close the tab.”


Oooh Portugal! Intriguing!

I sign my name Jen. They respond with Jenn. Honestly. I cannot.

Nope. Definitely not a social contagion. Nothing to see here.

I am feeling particularly adrift at the moment.

Comprehensive. Exam.

Well 12 oz is really not that much coffee, so …

Well. He just looks shifty. I mean come on.


Random Wednesday

baby this ain’t no old cowboy western …

Why is it always so fucking bright in this fucking office?

Maybe just let me do my job. I don’t actually need your help. Pretty much ever.

I just honestly don’t know how I’m going to do this.

snow snow snow snow snow snow snow

Well that meeting wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d been expecting.

Wait. Am I on this committee permanently now???

I hope whoever put that nail board in my driveway contracts a horrible, painful disease that doesn’t kill you, but makes you suffer for a really long time.

That just seems a little ridiculous to me.

Are you fucking kidding me.

Aaaaand then I spaced it.

Snow Day! Snow Day! Snow Day!

hot cognition and cold cognition

My stomach hurts.

I was going to wait, but whatever.

Short and sweet.


Random Wednesday

Well that went completely off the rails. Shit.

I can’t already be in panic mode over next semester. I’ll die.

Holy shit that should not have been that hard.

Never underestimate the power of denture cleaner.

This is a completely unreasonable amount of reading. This is insane.

It’s like getting gas at night instead of in the morning on your way to work.

New tattoo!

I really don’t know how I’m going to do this. I may not survive this semester.

I think when it’s over I deserve an actual vacation. Like going somewhere and doing absofuckinglutely nothing.

We all know that isn’t going to happen.

That information is readily and publicly available, child.

Man I hope this is all less confusing next year. Sheesh.

I think I’m cold. I need to take a walk. And then I’ll definitely be cold.

I need food.

I don’t know why that chair is so squeaky, but it’s annoying as fuck. Stop moving!

Of course it’s all bullshit.

I think we collectively blocked this event from our memories because not a single one of us wants to be involved in it.

That was really a lot more blood than I would have expected from a paper cut.

Well I survived that I guess.

May seems so far away. I guess that’s a good way to bookend this semester though.


That seems profoundly disingenuous, but you do you.

see ya


Random Wednesday

I don’t think you need to be passive aggressive about it. Either knock it off or hit the road.

It’s sort of visceral, really.

That’s a cute little mushroom guy.

Well they used to make us work til 3 on Christmas Eve, so this is definitely a vast improvement.

Why is the Dumb Ways to Die song stuck in my head?

oh crap

I almost put my snow boots in the Monster Truck Called Ashley J Williams and then did not do it. It’s fine.

I can’t believe I keep forgetting the damn thing.

That is quite a lot of snow coming down out there.

effect affect

I think I’m hungry.

For the love of all things holy would you just STOP

I would never have known that was Dwight Yoakam.

How is it 11:55 already??

Woohoo! Halfway to solving this problem.

You must be in good standing.

Oh good. More snow.

Fuck. Well that’s my fault entirely,

Could you just read my paper please?

Esjus. The morning flew by and the afternoon is dragging ass.

When did I start reading that article? A week ago? A week and a half?

Well it’s only temporary.


Random Wednesday


The problem is that I feel an immediate sense of urgency to complete the work, while everyone around me has no sense of urgency whatsoever.

That just doesn’t seem right to me.

The first snowfall of the winter in my world is supposed to happen tonight/tomorrow.

So I guess we’re gonna get nuked by Russia now?

I’m not gonna joke about this other than to say GenX has been preparing for this our entire lives.

But holy fuck. I fucking hate these politicians.

OMG I cannot.

How is it 3:00 already?

I dunno, I was curious I guess.

Damn. I did not remember them sucking quite this much.


I’ll always love you, Billy Squier.

Well. There’s an hour and a half of my life that I should not have had to waste.

Full disclosure – I started this post a week ago. I don’t know why that matters. No one is reading it.

The plus to all the Black Friday emails is that it’s a good time to unsubscribe from most of them.

I said I would do it and I still managed to forget it.

“When the settlers finally stopped croaking …”

They didn’t like socialism in 1620 either.

It’s a cult!

Gobble gobble.


Random Wednesday

I don’t know

I don’t have time to knit anything that large.

I don’t even remember writing any of the stuff on that page. It must have been in June.

Somethin’ weird goin’ on there …

Maybe you should behave nicer so I don’t always have to be the bigger person.


Swiper no

I don’t think Trump should bail her out. She should have to fork over that 20 mil out of her own pocket.

“There’s something going on that we’re missing.”

I don’t think this is an emergency.

I submitted comments. No one will care.

I’m not sure I’d qualify that as academic freedom.

I am so far behind. So. Very. Far.

How is it even possible for a calendar to be this full?

I want the record to show

Shit. There was entirely too much going on today.

I can knit a hat though. That’s simple.

This campus needs a director of spiritual wellness and that director needs to be me.

Um. Who do you think is going to pay that membership fee, lady? You make WAY more money than the rest of us.

Penguin cookies!

Dued. You can’t put that spoon back in the drawer after fondling it for 10 minutes. Come on.

I want like 78% of the clothes on their website. Why am I not disgustingly wealthy?

Mistakes were made.

I don’t have subtitles.

I just really do not like that girl.

Why don’t you just print it out then?

Look, sometimes, any light is too much light.

Dammit Spotify!

Why did I did this?

I give up.

Wait. Did I do that last week?

It’s just the migraine speaking.



Random Wednesday


That’s just not cool.

Shaman Jesus

Spicy Skulls are my fave

Thursday’s fine.

“Why do I piss off so many people?” I don’t know, Helen. I ask myself that very question all the time.

I think I already mentioned that.

I don’t need you to like me, but I wouldn’t mind knowing precisely why you don’t like me. Just to satisfy my own curiosity.

Well I would have voted early if I trusted you.

That woman was super shady.

But the fries are amazing.

I hesitate to speculate.

Lady, it is not my fault that this happened. I’m 18 freaking miles away from that whole situation.

I’m not not gloating.

Man. It’s unbelievably hard not to react to your “friends” who are spewing such nastiness about women who voted for Trump. God forbid I should have legitimate reasons for not voting for that nimrod Harris.

ARGH I think there is something in my eye. Or my contact is torn. I don’t know. But it hurts.

I don’t have much to say I guess. I know that’s shocking.

I’m just going to enjoy this for a while.

swim. until you can’t see land. swim.

I don’t have to

Maybe I shouldn’t have resurrected this.

I’m not surprised, but it makes me sad.

It’s a metaphorical punch in the mouth, which isn’t quite as satisfying probably.

Why hello, little Butterfinger.

fuuuuuuuuuuuck my head hurts

I guess my feelings aren’t really hurt about it, so whatevs.

I’m so distractable lately. I need focus SOMEBODY GIVE ME SOME FOCUS.

I want apple pie!

Well I did have to retype the whole bloody thing, there was no copy pasta happening.

But do you really even know what that means?

Why do I always have to be the bigger person? I have no patience left.

I can’t believe I drank all that water already.

are you a man or’re you a bag of sand?

Red is the only one reading this.


Random Wednesday

This meeting is so devoid of substance it wouldn’t even have merited an email.

Why don’t people hyphenate their phone numbers when they add them to forms anymore? Do you understand how hard that is to read when you’re trying to call someone?

I keep reading that as The Vagaries of Religious Experience instead of The Varieties of … I have no idea why.

Man. I hate it when they have to remote in to my machine.


Oh, right. Nearly forgot.

Daily tarot journaling??

That seems a tad shady, but what do I know?

“housekeeper’s anxiety” I definitely have that. Have you seen my house?

It’s not actually my job to drag you across the finish line. That’s on you.

Yeah this hair stuff is kinda bomb.

How would gen z put it? Elite? Is that a gen z slang?

You’ve heard of Hot Pockets, try Hot Flashes!


I could be a Registrar.

easy peasy

moar aggro squats

Totally lost my focus. Dammit.

I would like some rain, of course, obviously, but not necessarily while I am out for tricks or treats, thank you very much.

Apparently you only brought crunchy food to eat today. Awesome.


Aggravated battery with a can o’ corn.

This paper will be the literal death of me.

OK fine, I’m a Post Malone fan. So what?

The Tsunami ghosts are my favorite ghostly phenomenon.

How did it

ARRRRGH Daylight Saving bullshit.

4 day weekends are the way to go.


Random Wednesday

Why are trees so bloody expensive?

Shut up, another new word!

Red Sunset maples are out of stock.

Gotta say, as a life-long Michigander, I’d really prefer the entire country not be made to resemble Detroit.

They really do miss a lot of typos in these books.

” … it is divine healing power that mades them effective.”

I’m so happy it’s apple season. The apples are so much better.

Maybe I should be a demonologist.

I received ELEVEN emails soliciting my money and vote for Harris/Walz yesterday. ELEVEN. Fucking harassment. If I ever find out who put me on this list, there will be hell to pay.

Haven’t had a single Trump email in recent memory. For the record.


When was the last time I had a waffle? I should have some waffles.

I think my gum is dead.

Everything tastes weird today.

See, I’m out of practice and the whole entire day got away from me.

I think these flowers are dead.

What fresh hells await.

Oh I already told you that. Never mind.

It really is the most jentober thing ever.

“Your profile has 7 views!” Oh really? Did any of those views result in an amazing job offer? No? Then who fucking cares?

Shit, did I take it or did I forget again?

I probably need one of those red light face thingies.

Holy shit that hurts.

Ope. Apparently my subconscious says we’re done for the day.


Nosferatu live!

Another frigging knot! Curses!

Brush yo teeth, brush yo teeth …

Tick season can be over any time now. Esjus.

Such a mess. It’ll have to wait.

Gonna need to add that book to the library.

I don’t really –


Random Wednesday

Don’t call it a comeback.

I have two separate Random drafts, the oldest one dating back to October 2020. Now it’s October 2024.

I’m snagging bits from each and putting them here. Red thinks Random should be revived. That’s a lot of Rs. Alliteration has always made me happy.

It’s funny because I logged in looking for something I’d written, and I got to reading other things, and here I am. I haven’t posted since October. I don’t know if I’ll post again. I don’t know if anyone will even read it. But I felt compelled.

Still would rather not work at all at this point.

I need a nap. Typical.

I need to copy everything off this blog and shut it down. I don’t know the best way to do that really.

I can’t believe you’re even still reading this. You’re probably not. You’ve probably wandered off by now.

I actually meant to say remembrance card.


I really am not terribly fond of this linen yarn. Maybe it’ll soften up upon blocking. Actually I don’t love the cotton either. How did I end up with this combination??

Can I Random without being political?

I should be focusing on the substack, not this. *ahem*

Perimenopause is a bitch from hell.

I wasn’t *that* full of bourbon. I only had the one. It was beautiful though.

“He lacked a vocabulary with which to communicate the paranormal features of mesmeric cure.”

There’s a gorram fly in here.

The Geekery is in desperate need of a dust rag.

Oh. Then I guess I did know that already. Always second guessing myself. I should stop that.

Collywobble. Cobweb.

“… cult of the power of positive thinking[!]”

Oooh I learned a new word!

I so love waking up with a migraine that just hangs around my frontal lobe all frigging day.

ARGGGHHHHH WHYYYYYYYY I just got this sweatshirt this year, dammit!

I, myself, would very much like to mastermind a financial coup …

297 days in a row.

My my would you look at the time.

Here we go I guess.

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