Yesterday we set out to run an errand. I brought Ripper along for a couple of possible photo ops on the country roads. Unfortunately I only had the 50mm lens with me, because as we were rambling along, we noticed twelvety seven John Deere tractors on the grounds of the Gilmore Car Museum. Well, of course we had to go check it out. We ended up spending the entire day at the museum wandering through the different barns, checking out all the incredibly beautiful cars, and through the tractor show out on the lawn.
Every time I visit someone, I make them do all the touristy stuff in their town. And we always have a blast. I almost never do the touristy stuff at home. Yesterday marked my first ever visit to the Gilmore Car Museum. I’m going to have to go back some time with a different lens or two, no question.
Turned out to be a pretty fantastic Saturday.
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