I felt it merited its own post. Because, you guys. Come on. It’s a big deal, right? The official Random Wednesday t shirt!
And it has a chicken! Because chickens on the Compound, and nobody here but us chickens, and random.
Plus, look at it. It’s cute and cool all at once. And we have the good girlie tees. Not just that unisex bidness that is so frustrating for the gals. And stuff.
So you should buy one, because you love Random Wednesday. It’s one of your favorite things, if not your all time favorite thing on the internet. Or at least it’s your favorite thing about Wednesdays.
Look, if it’s not, just lie to me. I can’t take the rejection right now. So buy a shirt. Because if we don’t sell 25, then none of us gets one, and we’ll all be really really sad. Like crying sad.
Nobody wants to see that.
I ordered one!